Saturday, May 25, 2013

Web Cruiser Latest Version Cracked  (Vulnerability Scanner)

Web Developer ေတြ နဲ. Hacker သံုးေနျက လညး္ ျဖစ္တဲ. ဟာေလးပါ

Web Developer ေတြ ကသူတုိ. ဆိုက္ဒ္ေတြ ကို Security ေကာင္းမေကာင္း စစ္ ျကတယ္

Hacker ေတြ က သူတို. ေဖါက္ ခ်င္တဲ. ဆိုက္ဒ္ကို ေပါက္မေပါက္ စစ္ ျက ပါတယ္ Vulnerability Scanner တစ္ခုခု နဲ.

It can support scanning website as well as POC (Proof of concept) for web vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also an automatic SQL injection tool, an XPath injection tool, and a Cross Site Scripting tool!

Key Features:
* Crawler(Site Directories And Files);
* Vulnerability Scanner: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.;
* SQL Injection Scanner;
* SQL Injection Tool: GET/Post/Cookie Injection POC(Proof of Concept);
* SQL Injection for SQL Server: PlainText/Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for MySQL: PlainText/Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for Oracle: PlainText/Union/Blind/CrossSite Injection;
* SQL Injection for DB2: Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for Access: Union/Blind Injection;
* Post Data Resend;
* Cross Site Scripting Scanner and POC;
* XPath Injection Scanner and POC;
* Auto Get Cookie From Web Browser For Authentication;
* Report Output.


Serial Number:

User: WWW
Serial: 3E08-3C1B-CAFB-321F

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