Web Cruiser Latest Version Cracked (Vulnerability Scanner)
Web Developer ေတြ နဲ. Hacker သံုးေနျက လညး္ ျဖစ္တဲ. ဟာေလးပါ
Web Developer ေတြ ကသူတုိ. ဆိုက္ဒ္ေတြ ကို Security ေကာင္းမေကာင္း စစ္ ျကတယ္
Hacker ေတြ က သူတို. ေဖါက္ ခ်င္တဲ. ဆိုက္ဒ္ကို ေပါက္မေပါက္ စစ္ ျက ပါတယ္ Vulnerability Scanner တစ္ခုခု နဲ.
It can support scanning website as well as POC (Proof of concept) for web vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc. So, WebCruiser is also an automatic SQL injection tool, an XPath injection tool, and a Cross Site Scripting tool!
Key Features:
* Crawler(Site Directories And Files);
* Vulnerability Scanner: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.;
* SQL Injection Scanner;
* SQL Injection Tool: GET/Post/Cookie Injection POC(Proof of Concept);
* SQL Injection for SQL Server: PlainText/Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for MySQL: PlainText/Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for Oracle: PlainText/Union/Blind/CrossSite Injection;
* SQL Injection for DB2: Union/Blind Injection;
* SQL Injection for Access: Union/Blind Injection;
* Post Data Resend;
* Cross Site Scripting Scanner and POC;
* XPath Injection Scanner and POC;
* Auto Get Cookie From Web Browser For Authentication;
* Report Output.
Serial Number:
User: WWW
Serial: 3E08-3C1B-CAFB-321F
thank you so mutch